Schools do in fact kill creativity because students are expected to all learn the same things and listen to what their teacher is saying. If they do not listen, the teacher will automatically not like them and by the end of the first month of school the teacher already has chosen a favourite who will be treated better than the ones who feel as if they should be working on things that interest them. Those students who are not the teachers favourites will most likely end up being close to failing. 
Schools are like factories. The students are divided by the year they were born, they fill students up with information, and by the time students get to high school they are divided into what they are good at by the classes they've chosen. Once the students leave the factory a.k.a. the school, they go their different paths and don't even use most of the information that they were taught in school. When students are in kindergarten they are filled with creativity and imagination but as the years of school go by, their creative minds die out. Without creativity what do students have? They are just sitting in a desk doing what they are told. Then they are left to go out in the world and know exactly what to do when in reality the things they learned were stuff that wouldn't even happen in real life scenarios. For example when will you ever need to use all that algerbra you learned in school? So basically, schools kill creativi

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